Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Healthier Lauren: Day 1

I did it...I went back to Weight Watchers. My goal in 2014 was to get healthy by exercise. At 30 years old, I realized I was headed down an unhealthy road and didn't want to look back in 5, 10, 15 years with regrets. Started out great! Did the No Boundaries running group through Parks & Rec in the spring & summer. However, due to injuries for both of us, we quit running and exercising all together. Our eating habits got worse, as well. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, I packed on over TEN pounds. Despite doing so well most of the year with exercising, I ended up failing miserably for the year. Something has to change!!!
Almost a decade ago, I became a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers. I lost 40+ pounds in 3 months & kept it off for almost 2 years through maintenance (the single life allowed 2+ hours in the gym 5 days a week 😄). Even after the 2 year mark, I stayed under my goal weight for quite a while even tho I had started to gain a little of my weight back. At one point, I was 30lbs under my goal weight & was in risk of being kicked out of WW because my weight was not in the "healthy" range-which I completely disagree with but whatever! :) Went back to nursing school & exercise went out the door, good eating habits went out the door and an overall healthy lifestyle went out the door. I have since gained all my weight back and then some! I NEVER thought I'd see these numbers on my scale or hanging in my closet.
As the new year comes around, I reviewed what has worked in the past & what didn't work so well. Did AdvoCare-had great success with AdvoCare, have coworkers doing AdvoCare & there's this huge world wide 24 day challenge starting soon. Almost splurged the $200+ for the kit. And then I remembered, depriving myself of foods I enjoy will only last for so long, just like the last time. The $100+/month on supplements will take its toll on my bank account & ruin my financial goals for 2015. I need to get back to what has proven works for me LONG TERM. Everything in moderation is ok. If I choose to eat a donut or cookies, I can...but I'll either be eating veggies & fruit the rest of the day, exercising more or choosing healthier options later in the week. WW allows for "treats" and "cheat meals" and honestly encourages moderation. Telling me "no" to foods I enjoy will only work for so long. Just like any other addiction...when life gets back to normal, stress levels go high, motivation decreases, I will go back to eating sweets, dairy & bread!
With Joey leaving for 10 weeks, this is my motivation to eating healthy once again & getting more active. At $11 a week, I plan to attend meetings each week for the 10 weeks he is gone (plus the one this evening). My goal is to lose 1 lb a week. Quit snacking after dinner. Drink at least 64oz of water daily. Get AT LEAST 8,000 steps a day. And exercise at least 3 days a week. At the end of the 11 weeks, I plan to re-evaluate my goals. I'll be tracking water & food intake and exercise in My Fitness Pal. Planning meals, preparing meals & tracking meals will be my lifesaver!