If I lost JUST A POUND A WEEK during 2015...
By VALENTINES DAY, I'd be 6 lbs. lighter -
Loving Points Plus more than chocolate!
By ST. PATRICK'S DAY, I'd be 10 lbs. lighter -
Feeling lucky to be losing all this weight.
By APRIL FOOLS DAY, I'd be 12 lbs. lighter -
No longer fooling myself about portion sizes.
By MOTHERS DAY, I'd be 18 lbs. lighter -
Role modeling for my family.
By MEMORIAL DAY, I'd be 20 lbs. lighter -
Old photos will remind me of how far I've come.
By FLAG DAY, I'd be 23 lbs. lighter -
Yay! No more "underarm flags" flapping around.
By INDEPENDENCE DAY, I'd be 26 lbs. lighter -
Freedom from overeating; I'm in control.
By LABOR DAY, I'd be 35 lbs. lighter -
Proud of how hard I worked to get where I am!
By COLUMBUS DAY, I'd be 40 lbs. lighter -
Discovering new tastes and exploring new foods.
By ELECTION DAY, I'd be 43 lbs. lighter -
Campaigning for making better for choices.
By THANKSGIVING, I'd be 47 lbs. lighter -
Thankful for my new habits.
By CHRISTMAS EVE, I'd be 51 lbs. lighter -
Gifting myself a merrier life.
By NEW YEARS EVE, I'd be 52 lbs. lighter -
It's not just a new year - it's a new ME!
Wishing you the BEST in 2015!
So far, I'm down 4 pounds in 4 days! I won't keep that loss up long term but it's amazing how quickly you can see results just by making a few little changes!